【国際結婚式】神前結婚式 進行式次第(繁体字中国語)神前式婚禮 婚禮程序( 繁體中文)
I am Noriko Fujita, a bridal producer with 26 years of experience. I specialize in "Furusato Weddings," where ceremonies are held in prominent locations representing Kagawa Prefecture, such as Takamatsu Castle, Ritsurin Garden, Naoshima, and Kotohira-gu Shrine.
In recent years, Kagawa Prefecture has seen an increase in inbound tourists. Before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, the number of foreign visitors staying in Kagawa Prefecture was 690,820. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, by November 2023, the number of visitors had recovered to over 90% of pre-pandemic levels, and by March 2024, it had reached 97.2%, unaffected by the impact of the new variants.
According to the "Inbound Popular Tourist Destination Ranking" announced on November 17, 2023, by Visit Japan Lab and Kuchikomi Com Research, Ritsurin Garden (Takamatsu City) ranked first in Kagawa Prefecture's inbound tourist spot ranking, and Kotohira-gu Shrine (Kotohira Town) ranked second. I'm delighted and honored that both locations are part of Fairy Tale’s "Furusato Wedding" concept.
ブライダルプロデューサー歴26年。 直島、高松城、栗林公園などで史上初の結婚式をプロデュース。歴史的建物や文化施設で、特別感・地域特性を演出する国賓パーティーやイベントを仕掛けるユニークベニューのプロデューサー。 《藤田徳子について》
- 1. 国際結婚のカップルが神前結婚式を選ぶ理由
- 1-1 訪日観光客は、明確な目的を持ったツーリズムや異文化体験を求めている!
- 1-2 訪日の目的が結婚式に、「ウェディングツーリズム」という新しいスタイル
- 2. 日本の伝統儀式、神前結婚式こそ、異文化体験!
- 2-1 海外の方がリスペクトする日本の伝統文化・格式高い神前結婚式
- 2-2 海外在住カップルが来日して、日本式の結婚式を挙げるまで
- 2-3 国際結婚の際、神前結婚式の事前準備
- 1.E Could it be the influence of the yen's depreciation? International weddings are on the rise in Japan!
- 1-1-E Inbound tourists are seeking tourism with clear objectives and experiences of different cultures!
- 1-2-E The purpose of visiting Japan for weddings gives rise to a new style known as "Wedding Tourism."
- 2.E A Shinto Wedding is the epitome of a unique cultural experience!
- 2-1-E Japanese traditional culture and the esteemed Shinto wedding ceremony is deeply respected by foreign visitors
- 2-2-E The days leading up to the ceremony
- 2-3-E Advance preparations for international couples having a Shinto wedding ceremony
- 3. 神国際結婚式の神前結婚式(結婚式次第・進行)
- 3.E The Shinto Wedding Ceremony for International Marriages (Order of Events and Proceedings)
- 3-1 神前結婚式 式次第(進行・流れ) 神前式婚禮 婚禮程序 (繁體中文)
- 3-2 賓客 就座
- 3-3 新郎新娘入場
- 3-4 齋主 參進
- 3-5 修祓
- 3-6 降神
- 3-7 獻餞
- 3-8 祝詞奏上
- 3-9 新郎新娘 玉串拜禮・誓詞奉讀
- 3-10 家屬代表 玉串拜禮
- 3-11 三九誓盃(三三九度)
- 3-12 家屬 鞏固之盃
- 3-13 新郎新娘 交換戒指
- 3-14 撤餞
- 3-15 昇神
- 3-16 齋主 致詞
- 3-17 齋主 退場
円安傾向の影響か⁈ 日本での国際結婚式が増えている!
Could it be the influence of the yen's depreciation? International weddings are on the rise in Japan!
Inbound tourists are seeking tourism with clear objectives and experiences of different cultures!
Around 60% of inbound foreign travelers visit Japan for tourism purposes, while approximately 25% come for business reasons. However, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a noticeable shift in tourism. In addition to visiting scenic spots, experiencing Japanese nature, shrines, temples, and traditional gardens through outings, enjoying hot springs, skiing, theme parks, attractions, shopping, and gourmet experiences through leisure, there has been an increase in travelers seeking more specific and individualized purposes, such as tourism with clear objectives, and immersive cultural experiences with profound significance.
The purpose of visiting Japan for weddings gives rise to a new style known as "Wedding Tourism."
For couples planning an international marriage, there are two main scenarios. The first involves a Japanese individual living abroad, who temporarily returns to Japan with their partner from overseas to have a traditional Japanese wedding ceremony. The second scenario entails someone from abroad being interested in a Japanese-style wedding and visiting Japan specifically for that purpose, essentially choosing Japan as the location for their overseas wedding ceremony.
Recently, due in part to the yen's depreciation, there has been a significant increase in "Wedding Tourism," where foreign visitors come to Japan for wedding ceremonies while also enjoying tourism activities.
A Shinto Wedding is the epitome of a unique cultural experience!
Japanese traditional culture and the esteemed Shinto wedding ceremony is deeply respected by foreign visitors
The Shinto wedding ceremony embodies a prestigious ritual that follows Japan's traditional culture, with each aspect holding significant meaning deeply rooted in etiquette and manners. The value of the wedding lies in understanding the profound significance of each ritual. Overseas individuals demonstrate respect for this cherished culture, which has been nurtured throughout Japan's long history and passed down through generations.
For foreign visitors, Japan's traditional culture and the Shinto wedding ceremony offer a profound and delicate experience, imbued with dignity, making it a refreshing and enriching cultural activity. Our clients at Fairy Tale often express feelings of heightened anticipation and a sense of solemnity, describing the experience as both nerve-wracking and deeply moving.
The days leading up to the ceremony
At Fairy Tale, during the preparation stage, we conduct consultations through online meetings and email exchanges. However, as the wedding date approaches and when the couple arrives in Japan, we arrange face-to-face meetings to ensure there are no misunderstandings, address any concerns or questions, and fine-tune the details. Especially for overseas couples who may not be familiar with Japanese wedding culture, customs, and traditions, thorough explanations and precise guidance are necessary. This is where our expertise, honed over many years, and our professional experience truly come into play, ensuring that we provide valuable support and assistance.
Advance preparations for international couples having a Shinto wedding ceremony
At Fairy Tale, to ensure that couples, their families, and friends from overseas can approach the Shinto wedding ceremony with confidence, we provide an order of events (proceedings and flow) translated into the language of their choice. Please note that while we strive to accommodate various languages, there may be some languages we cannot translate. For those who have not attended a traditional Japanese wedding or Shinto ceremony before, there may be many questions and concerns. The translated order of events helps them understand the flow of the ceremony and provides explanations of important points, allowing overseas couples, families, and friends to attend the ceremony with a peace of mind.
The Shinto Wedding Ceremony for International Marriages (Order of Events and Proceedings)
This time, we will provide guidance in Traditional Chinese, commonly used by many Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Macau visitors.
神前結婚式 式次第(進行・流れ) 神前式婚禮 婚禮程序 (繁體中文)
賓客 就座


齋主 參進

新郎新娘 玉串拜禮・誓詞奉讀


家屬代表 玉串拜禮



家屬 鞏固之盃

新郎新娘 交換戒指

齋主 致詞
齋主 退場

▶▶▶【【国際結婚式】神前結婚式 進行式次第(英語版)Shinto Wedding Ceremony
神前結婚式のご経験がなく海外の方が、気に留めておくポイントだけでも事前にご理解いただけるようアナウンスすることを目的にしています。今回は、まずは英語編(English version)を公開します。
関連タグ:ふるさとウエディング 国際結婚式 和婚 国際結婚 栗林公園で結婚式(園婚) 神前式